Motorola’s ‘Power To Empower’ Campaign Showcases The Brand’s Ethos

This week Motorola is releasing the first two videos online, showing why everyday people share how they are powered by technology. It is part of Motorola’s “Power to Empower” campaign launched in August 2021. This campaign is the result of many years of process to define what the Motorola brand is.

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“People are not looking for brands that only have one product that solves a problem. If you want to be a brand that can go down in history and really connect with your customers, you have to The story behind it has to be told. Plus you need users to be aware of the concerns they have about you and your technology.” Management Renata Aldenfelder, managing director of Lenovo Mobile Business Group (MBG), told me. .

Motorola should be seen as a technology pioneer with a passion for change and a desire to break the current status quo. With technology, Motorola wants to make a difference in terms of making the most of positive change. Brand values ​​of innovation, integration and authenticity must accompany the products brought to market. As a brand, it seeks to be reliable, innovative and inclusive.
Whether to pursue an artistic passion, a professional, or simply a passion, over 300 Motorola users are empowered to make their phones do whatever they want. In all the videos, Motorola selected 12 stories that featured different people, geography and stories as the second phase of the “Power to Empire” campaign focused on “Technology with Heart”.

The first two stories came from the UK and Taiwan.
Michelle McCulloch is a chef who closed her catering business in east London in 2020 and moved to the east coast of England, where she founded a mini permaculture farm. In addition to cooking, he is interested in the world’s natural ecology and horticulture, especially the plants that feed and heal us. He became a sensation on YouTube with 7 billion videos and a radio presenter. Regarding technology, he said: “I always use devices, but my mobile phone is very useful. My phone is like my office. My passion and approach to the garden outside gave me a great opportunity. Teach how to grow through radio.”
Lin Singh Lan is a 34-year-old dancer from Taiwan. “I was born to dance, but I was also born deaf. To me this is not a paradox. The feeling of trembling with music on the floor can be felt by everyone. Sometimes we don’t know our How far can feelings go. You.” For his mother to learn from other non-sign language dancers. The use of technology was encouraged. He uses his phone as a translator to be part of other companies in Taiwan so that they “vibrate together”.

Of course, marketing not only sells products, but Motorola hopes that by putting people and their needs first, they will create better products and better relationships with customers. I asked Aldenfelder if it would be difficult to get support for the campaign because of its focus on diversity and inclusion, the choice of creative companies, and the use of regular people for video content. “It’s not difficult. In addition to the right thing to do from an ethical standpoint, it’s the right thing to do from a business standpoint. We’ve seen the results for people and brands. You see, you see success,” he said. Aldenfelder is right. Studies show that customer-brand identity (CPI) reflects a strong psychological or emotional connection, which reflects future behavior and long-term brand interactions. It is completely different from customer satisfaction, which refers to the positive behavior of a brand created by the overall evaluation of consumers with a brand’s services or products.

“Power to Empower” is not just about products, marketing and customer engagement. After a very rough month for everyone due to government and other social challenges, the campaign among Motorola employees has become a force for change. Aldenfelder believes it is important for the campaign to reflect the mantra of “global thinking, local action” so that the stories, messages and most important impacts reflect the needs of the local communities reaching Motorola. Motorola wants to empower employees to do their best and make employees feel empowered to brand-drive change.

We know that betting on Motorola’s technology will benefit from a sales standpoint, but it’s refreshing that the technology is focused on building brand trust and having genuine contacts with its customers. Something else Motorola technically does in this campaign is to remind us that the bright colors that represent the tech world should be more than just quick fixes, effects and catchy tones. It is exciting to have (re)a technology brand that promises to make its products reflect what it is – giving everyday people the power and opportunity to make a positive difference in their lives and the world.

Disclosure: Hard Off Tech is a research and consulting firm engaged in research, evaluation and consulting services with several of the technology companies mentioned in this journal. The author does not hold any equity position in any of the companies mentioned in this paragraph.

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